Nunacor Development Corporation
Category: Aboriginal Business Engineering Environmental Services Industrial Service Mining Real Estate Resource Development
169 Hamilton River Road, Suite 100
Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL A0P 1C0
Phone: 709.896.5722 | Fax: 709.896.5739
Nunacor Development Corporation was incorporated in 2003 by the NunatuKavut Community Council Inc. to pursue economic and business opportunities for the NunatuKavut membership. Nunacor is a group of Indigenous companies and partnerships, providing quality programs and services throughout Labrador. ISO 9001:2008 Certified.
If you are interested in pursuing business opportunities within or adjacent to our territory, you need an Indigenous business partner. The Southern Inuit membership is well educated, diverse and most importantly we are open for business. We look forward to your call.