Lunch and Learn
How competitive is the business environment in Newfoundland & Labrador?
Being globally competitive is the key to continued economic growth and prosperity for all Newfoundlanders & Labradorians, now, and for future generations. Resources alone are not enough to sustain a prosperous future for our children’s generation. Policy matters. Government must act now to shape our future by creating a competitive environment that allows local business to grow and expand, to compete on a global stage and to attract diverse investment that will be sustained beyond the resource boom. What public policy changes should the business community be lobbying government for to ensure we are able to compete?
The NL Employers’ Council (NLEC), in conjunction with the Conference Board of Canada, is currently in the process of developing a Competitiveness Scorecard to benchmark Newfoundland & Labrador against peer jurisdictions on public policies known to contribute to productive economic activities and a competitive business environment. Join Richard Alexander, Executive Director of the NLEC at a LNCC luncheon as he outlines public policy areas the local business community should be aware of, the NLEC’s major priorities for the coming year, and how we can work together to ensure the development of a pro-growth, business friendly environment in Newfoundland and Labrador.
The NL Employers’ Council is a provincial, members based organization that advocates on behalf of employers on matters that enhance their ability to contribute to the economic growth and prosperity of Newfoundland & Labrador. For more information, visit
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